Monday, April 5, 2010

School. Grumble Grumble

It was so fun having to go back to school after my nice short break. Though I was able to get some sleep last night. The problem was that I usually wake up at 7:40 to get ready and have time to eat. So my alarm went off and I turned it off. I usually sit there for a minute to wake up before I get out of bed. This proved to be a bad idea today. I luckily woke up at 8:01, so I still had plenty of time to get ready and grab something quickly from the lounge and make it to class.

In my English class, we are read Hamlet right now. So I was just sitting there half paying attention when my teacher starts talking about Hamlet was able to sneaked into a tent. The whole time I was wondering if it was suppose to be snuck. I am not 100% on this and I most likely wrong. It was just something that seemed odd to me.

In my other class, astronomy, we were talking about our solar system. People brought in different sized balls to represent the planets and the sun. Who ever was suppose to bring a ball that represent Earth failed to do so but my earing was the perfect size so I got to be the Earth. We then went out into the mall to space them to scale. We did not even get to the last two planets because they were just to far away and we did not have the time. Luckily for me, I did not have to walk that far being the Earth and all. I was just a real big eye opener.

I am very excited for tomorrow because John Green's new book, Will Grayson, Will Grayson, comes out. I pre-ordered this and it should arrive. Obviously this will be the next book that I am going to read. Then Friday will be meeting John Green when I drive out to Austin to him.

Love ya,

Chipotle burrito: 7
Books read: 12

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