Thursday, September 29, 2011


I love my university. I love my major. My professors are awesome. But now I have met one that just rubs me the wrong way. She really reminds me of Umbridge. So should we call here that? Yeah I think so.

Umbridge is new to my university. It took her about 3 weeks to find out that education majors are a cohort that have all their classes together since it is a small major. She does not know our names even thought it has almost been two months since we started classes.

My class went to our advisor to complain about here cause all she does is waste our time talking about things that have nothing to do with special education. Well, when she found out, it was not pretty.

She pretty much just flipped out on us telling us how rude we were. All she does it belittle us and on Tuesday she basically called us stupid. She said that we get spoon fead in all our other class and given cheat sheets and that is how we pass. I just could not believe it because it is just not true.

I don't know why she expects us to memorize about 50 acronyms for each class. It is just impossible. Just because we do not know everything about special education does not make us stupid. I really wish that I could drop the class but I have to have it for my major. Knowing I have to go every Tuesday and Thursday just makes my stomach want to do twists and turns.

So anyone have any advice? I would appreciate.

Love ya,

Chipotle Burritos: whatever I said last time cause I haven't had anymore since than
Books read: 20

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hey Guys

I know that it has been a really, really long time. I just feel like I never have anything interesting to say. Also, I have been busy between working, moving back home, and starting my senior year in university has left me with very little free time.

I recently started a 2nd vlog channel where I am doing kind of life changing series you could say. One of my friends told me that losing weight and getting into shape is not something you just do to do it. This is a change of life and that is really how I see it. So that has been happening.

So far it has been going very well. I try and make it to the gym every other day and I have started really watching what I eat. Some times I do indulge but those are the days I really push myself in the gym. I assure you that I am doing this very healthy cause I know what I am doing this time. I must say it is a nice feeling to put on your jeans and you can see how much losser they fit.

Love ya,

Chipotle Burritos: um probably around 30 by now
Books read: 20