Saturday, April 10, 2010

Amazing Night

Last was one of the best nights of my life. As I was leaving to make the drive, the front desk worker tells me that I have a package. My book arrived just in time. So the whole 3 hours drive, I kept thinking to myself that I could not believe that I was going to meet John Green. I was a little nervous once I got to Austin because I had only been to Austin like once or twice before and it was never by myself. But I found the book store and could not wait. I quickly bought a book for Kate and ran upstairs. The place was crowded and it was only 6:20. There were no seats left so I had to stand. At the end of the event, not only was the room completely full but so were the stairs. It was amazing. I had never seen so many nerdfighters in one place. Like someone said, "These are our people."

The other thing was, I felt sorry for David Levithan because I would have to say that at least 98% of the people were there just to see John Green like myself. It was still amazing. Both of them were hilarious. They kept us laughing the entire time. Starting with them walking down the stairs, telling us were the came up with the book, to reading parts from both of their part of the book, to answering questions. It was amazing. The bookstore sold out of the new book about 5 minutes after I got there.

The best part lasted only for about a minute. It was when I got up to the front of the line and they signed by books. I actually got to talk to John Green. It was amazing. Those two totally made the 6 hour drive worth it. I cannpt wait to finish reading the book because just from the parts they read, we were all dying laughing. I did get a bunch of videos if anyone wants to watch them here.

Right now I am work using the computer here. Tonight I am going out with Luke. I am not really sure what we are going to do right now but we shall see.

Love ya,

Chipotle Burritos: 9
Books read: 14

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