Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Wrist: A Complicated Love Story

So it just came to my attention that I still need to blog today. So here we gooooo.

First I want to say that tomorrow I want to answer some questions so hopefully people will actually ask some and I will have something to write about.

What I really want to talk about is my wrist. Exactly a week ago, my wrist started to hurt in the middle of the afternoon. I though it was no big deal because that will happen every once in a while. But the next day, my whole arm started to hurt. That was pretty weird because that usually does not happen at all. I maned through the pain though.

Well, my wrist stopped hurting so I forgot about it. That is until this afternoon. I noticed that my wrist started hurting again. But this time it is worse. It now hurts for me to hold something. I get this real sharp pain in my wrist but then it goes away. It only happens when I hold something. I can ball my fist and it does not hurt. So strange, I know.

I called my mom to get her opinion of the matter and she wants me to call the doctor tomorrow and make an appointment. She thinks that something is wrong even though it is not swollen or discolored. We will just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings.

Love ya,

Chipotle Burritos: 7
Books read: 7
Nail Polish: Wild Wisteria

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