Monday, July 19, 2010

My IRL Friends

In my last blog, I said that this whole internet friends thing is new to me. I must say that having really good irl friends is also new to me. Now, I have always had friends. The thing is that I have never had really close friends that I will make an effort to see and talk to outside of school. I guess college really is an amazing place because it seems that I have found these people now.

Since it is summer, most of my friends are no longer hanging around campus like I am. I am still talking to my friends on a real regular basis. We have been texting each other a whole bunch and I have even been able to see a few people. This is usually how I stay in contact them. It is through texts, phone calls, and face to face interaction.

Yesterday my friends and I decided to try something else. We decided that we would have a skype date. The only problem was that no one knew that we could not do a video call with more than one person. We could only use the voice function. I decided that we should use tinychat. They had the hardest time trying to figure it out even though I told them how to use it. A few of them ended up having trouble the entire time.

It was so weird to me that my irl friends and I would interact through this way because this has really been only for my internet friends. They are the ones that I talk to through skype and tinychat. Maybe I am just being weird about it but I feel like this should only be for my internet friends. Though, my irl firends loved it and cannot wait to do it again.

Love ya,

Chipotle Burritos: 28
Books read: 23
Nail Polish: "Wild Wisteria," ORLY

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