Friday, April 27, 2012

Now What?

I had my last of student teaching today. It really was so sad. The kids all day made me want to cry. They kept telling me how much they were going to miss me and how they wish I could stay forever. They really are so sweet. A whole bunch of them gave me little cards telling me how much they were going to miss me and want me to stay. But then we had to carry on with our day as usual.

Then when we had our planning time, my mentor teacher came out with a chocolate cake. I could not believe it. It was such a great thing. It was good to share it with my 2nd grade team. I really am going to miss all of them.

Then the end of the day happened. We were having a little party to celebrate my last day. I made them all cupcakes and little goodie bags with a note, a pencil, and some smarties. As I was passing them out, they told me that I was too sweet and kind and that they should be the ones giving me stuff. I was ready to cry at this point. They kept telling me how they were going to keep the pencil and the note forever to remember me. But then, my mentor teacher walked in with a big bag for me and told me it was from her and the class. I could not believe it. There are books in there, a planner, a pointer, and lots of other great stuff in there that I can use next year.

They really are the sweetest kids ever and I am going to miss them so much. I kind of wish my time was not over with them. I am planning on visiting them in a few weeks when they are going to do a presentation on what we have been working on. They do not know that yet so I told them that if they are good and do their work I will come and visit them.

Now excuse me while I go cry some more because I miss them already. It is so weird to me that I will not being getting up really early on Monday and driving there to teach and see them.

Love ya,

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