Sunday, February 7, 2010

Weekend Updates

What a great weekend. Long but wonderful.

Friday was my brother and sister's confirmation. That was so amazing. Being a part of their whole journey has been amazing and wonderful. Then so see them in front of the whole Church asking God to be a part of their lives forever was breathtaking. I am so proud of the entire group. I have seen them grow so spiritually throughout the last year.

Saturday, I worked and watched people "enjoying" the "homecoming." Basically my college has decided that it is high school and therefore we must need to have homecoming. They had a little carnival type thing outside were there was like no body there. That was interesting. They made the people working it wear mums which is a very high school thing to do.

If anyone who is not from Texas and is reading this, during homecoming week in high school, girls were huge mums on Friday with tons of ribbons and bells and lights and anything else people can possible thing of putting on them. Some mums are so big they cannot be pinned to the girls' shirt and then must be worn around the next. The mums then usually get hung on the girls' wall for the rest of high school.

All the students were not that trilled with this homecoming cause basically, we are NOT in high school any more and that is something that they need to learn.

Today has been pretty chill. Woke up, went to mass, went to Whataburger, and has been goofing around on the internet since then. Yay for lazy Sundays.

Love ya,

P.S. My roommate is cooking noodles and they smell so good right now.

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