Thursday, September 16, 2010

Here Comes the Complaining

I know, I know. I am trying to be more positive but here I am again complaining.

Basically, for one of my classes, we have to come up with a creative way to present to the class what our group has picked for the five characteristics of an effective teacher. We were put into groups based on what grade levels we want to teach. Which means that the other people in my group want to teach the younger children.

All of the other groups are talking about doing sketches and other fun ideas like that. This one lady (and I do mean lady; she is much older than everyone else in the class) wants to do a power point. The rest of us are thinking no way because we want to do something creative so we can get a good grade. The rest of us then decide that we want to make a video of our own version of Dora the Explore.

I told everyone that I have a camera that I can use and I can edit it together. I then pull out my camera because I had it with me. The lady then tells me that my camera with be ineffective for our project. A BRAND NEW HD CAMERA IS INEFFECTIVE?!?!?! That makes no sense to me at all.

We then start to assign parts to everyone. One girl is to play Dora, three people are ineffective teachers and one is the effective teacher. Those of us that are playing the ineffective teachers said what we are going to do that will make us look bad. She then says that we all need to go to the YouTubes to find a link on how to be a bad teacher. I mean really now? I think that part is really easy.

Then she made a big deal about filming. The majority of us can meet on one day and she cannot. We told her that we will film all our parts that day and she can film her part another day. She got mad at us for not all filming on the same day. We had already told her what we are going to do.

She then kept going on and on about how we need this poster board with a heart on it so that Dora could pick that one. We were kind of like ok. Then she still kept talking about that heart.

Then on top of that, she still wants to do a powerpoint presentation to go over exactly what we are going to do in the video.

Someone please save me. This all happened in about 30 minutes. Pretty much no one wants to work with her now in our group.

Love ya,

Chipotle Burritos: 35
Nail Polish: "Wild Wisteria," ORLY

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