Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Hello everyone. It has been awhile hasn't? Well how is everyone. I am doing ok. I am a little upset because it seems that my fish is dying. He seems to be doing a little bit better but I will just have to wait and see.

The reason I was gone for most of August was because I was making a video every day in August. That really did take a lot out of me. Now I have committed myself to another month long thing. I am not drinking soda for all of September. I am doing well with that but every once in a while I find myself wanting one but I have not given in.

So I am blogging in class, I know not good. This one woman, yes a woman, she is much older than everyone else, just can in 15 minutes late. I get that sometimes you are late and you do not like it but you shouldn't make a big deal about it. She comes in by slamming the door open. She then makes a huge sigh as she walks to her desk where she slams down her bag. Then as she pulls everything out, she slams those down on the table, too. It is really no big deal. You should just come in and sit down and be quiet.

Well, that is pretty much everything for right now. I am also going to try and blog a lot more because I really do like blogging. It is a lot of fun and I hope that it improves my writing,

Love ya,

Chipotle Burritos: 34
Books read: 23 <--- maybe I should not include this anymore
Nail Polish: "Black Diamond," Sally Hansen Diamond Strength No Chip Nail Color


  1. I hate people like that. The general rule for class (or life really) is STFU and grab the seat closest to the door. When you start teaching you should hang a sign on your door that says that. (Except maybe not STFU if you're teaching children haha)
