Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Short Quick Post

I feel like it has been forever since I wrote a blog. Things just have been so busy with training for my job. We have been going all day and then at the end I am so tired that I just go to sleep. Luckily we finished training yesterday but our first conference comes today so fun. I cannot wait.

Well, that is pretty much everything that I wanted to say so yeah. Sorry this is so bad. I just wanted to post something.

Love ya,

Chipotle burritos: 17
Books read: 20
Nail Polish: "Blue Lace," Nicole by OPI

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Summer Time

It is summer. I finished my last final on Tuesday. It was really nice to be able to finish early but it is too bad that I have not been able to really relax.

I went home on Wednesday only because I had stuff to do but I was back at school that night for Fernanda's birthday dinner. After that, we had a dance party on the roof of our parking garage. I know what you are thinking, we are so cool.

Thursday I was back up at school to work. My friends wanted to have some girl time afterwards but it turned into a few of us watching Rakel pack.

Friday I had to do something with money. I did not understand but my dad did so that is good I guess. That night was suppose to be a girls night with Jennifer, Angela, and Laura but that fell through twice.

Saturday was Emily's first communion and my sister's big choir show. That was all day.

Today, I basically did nothing but go to mass. So today has not been that bad. I just feel like I have not had that much sleep because so many of these things were so early in the morning.

Love ya,

Chipotle Burritos: 14
Books read: 19
Nail Polish: "Going Grape!" Sally Hansen Insta-Dri

Sunday, May 9, 2010

New Mac

I know in my las post was about my computer problems. Well I had more of those this morning. The difference is was that I was home this time so my parents were able to see what I was talking about. I told my dad that I really needed a new computer and I wanted a mac. My dad has only used PCs so he did not know what would be good so we went down to the apple store and I left with a brand new 13 in MacBookPro. It is beautiful and wonderful and I love it so much. My dad seem impressed but at the same time a little confused because he does not know that much about macs.

Today is mother's day and I just wanted to say that I love my mom. I doubt she will ever read this but I thought I should say.

Love ya,

Chipotle Burritos: 14
Books read: 19
Nail Polish: "Sugar Plum," ORLY

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Comuter Problems

It is finals time here at my college. That means studying and papers. Tuesday night, I was working on my last paper of the semester when my computer died. It sucked so much. I was almost done with my paper and it was due the next day. Luckily, Hannah let me use her computer to start my paper all over again.

Wednesday, I took my computer to Best Buy so that Geek Squad could try and fix it. At first they said it would be 3-5 days. I started to panic because all of my notes for this semester are on my computer. Then he said for an extra $150 they could do it in 24-26 hours. My dad took pity on me and paid for it.

Yesterday also was my school's late night breakfast. This is where the professor serve us breakfast. It is so much fun. They also have a raffle so you have a chance to win stuff. After that was the dance in the dorm. It was Cinco De Mayo theme. I had a blast dancing with my friends all night.

Today is our school's dead day where we are suppose to be studying all day long like good students. Mostly it is a day for professor to hold review sessions and students to sleep.

I finally got my computer back this afternoon. I feel so happy. I felt so disconnected from the world. I know that sometimes I choose not to get on my computer for days at a time but that is my choice. It felt so weird not having that option. I hated it. I know I have a problem. I am addicted to the internet. Most definitly addicted to YouTube.

In other news, I found out today that I made conference assisant so I get to leave in the dorm for free this summer. I am very excited about that.

Love ya,

Chipotle Burritos: 13
Books read: 19
Nail Polish: "Sugar Plum," ORLY

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hello People

So did you miss me? I hope not. It has only been two days. I was going to blog yesterday but I was really tired so I decided against it.

Friday afternoon, I went over to Luke's for a bit so that I would have a chance to hang out with him this weekend. He was going to the movies with some friends that night and invited me. I went along. This one girl, lets called her Madonna, was so pissed off that I showed up with MY boyfriend and that he wanted to sit next to me and hold my hand, and let with me that she completely ignored me all night. Now, we used to be really good friends in high school until she starting blaming me for all of her personal drama. I am just so sick of it that I just do not care anymore. I still had a really great time with everyone else there.

Yesterday was Rakel's birthday. I missed most of their fun because I had to work. When I joined them, they were at the pool. We played beach volleyball and lounged next to the pool. We then saw our school's production of Steel Magnolias. It was so amazing. My friend Allie played the mother. She is little tiny women but man can she scream. She had the whole place in tears. I am so sad that she is graduating in like two weeks.

Now onto today, it was my sister's junior ring ceremony. She is in high school. I went to really small, private, Catholic high school so things like this are a big deal. I got to see my parents to for a little bit so that was cool. I also got to my sister for a little bit. I did not even get to ask her about how her toe is doing since she broke it on Friday. Sometimes I just feel like we are not that close and she would rather spend her time with her friends. Oh well. Life moves on.

Love ya,

Chipotle Burritos: 13
Books read: 19
Nail Polish: "Fairy Teal," Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure